Rortunet, Norway

In this hybrid construction outside Oslo, the existing shopping mall was demolished and replaced by a new one. On top of the new shopping mall, 122 new apartments have been built. SIGA provided various support services on the construction site and helped the installers to apply the adhesive tapes in the best possible way. 

Building Location
Slemmestad , Norway
Project type
Project size
Halvorsen & Reine AS
Schage Eiendom AS
Insenti AS, GST Byggmontering AS, Ringsaker Vegg- og takelementer AS 
Products used
Dockskin®, Fentrim® 20, Fentrim® IS 20, Primur® roll, Rissan® 60, Sicrall® 60, Wigluv® 60, Wigluv® 100 & 150
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