Primary school, Austria

The facade of the new Erlaaer Schleife full-time primary school in Vienna uses untreated larch. The irregular planking with open joints requires a UV-resistant facade membrane which forms the high-performance by unobtrusive background for the facade.

Building Location
Wien, Austria
Project type
Commercial projects
Project size
7 000 m²
Architekten Kronaus/Mitterer
Stadt Wien
M&P Holzbau und Handels GmbH, Fill Metallbau
Products used
Fentrim® 20, Fentrim® IS 2, Majvest® 700 SOB, Wigluv® black
“The irregular planking with open joints requires a UV-resistant facade membrane like SIGA Majvest© 700 SOB which forms the high-performance but unobtrusive background for the facade.”
Peter Mitterer, architects Kronaus/Mitterer

The new build for the Erlaaer Schleife primary school in Vienna follows a plan: exploiting synergy between the planned full-time primary school and the existing open primary school. There should be consolidation with as little loss of outdoor space as possible.

Versatile building

At the Erlaaer Schleife full-time primary school, classrooms have sprung up for 21 classes with side rooms, workrooms, multipurpose rooms, library and gymnasiums.

The new building has sprung up on a 7,000 square metre construction site using the reinforced concrete method with facing shell. SIGA Majvest® 700 SOB facade membrane is used as a layer which is windproof and resistant to driving rain.

Completely satisfied

M&P Holzbau und Handels GmbH is satisfied with us:

With the competitor product that we had used previously, there were always problems with the self-adhesive seam and we received no technical advice regarding the product. Things are very different with SIGA”.

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